When I thought about resolutions at the beginning of the year, I came up with a mantra instead. Comment, Connect, Create. Now that it’s almost halfway through the year, how’s that working out for me?
Comment: I don’t do this every day, but I still go through my blogroll to visit different blogs, because I find I’m more likely to comment this way than when I browse through a blog reader. Time consuming? Yeah, but when I comment on a blog, I send a little message to the writer that I’m there and I care. Generally, I’ve done pretty well with this goal, even if there are periods when I’m less involved than other times. Since comments are down here, I’m thinking that I should comment more on my own blog.
Connect: I wanted to connect with the people who are on my Christmas card list. You know, the ones that you keep writing but never get around to seeing. Well, so far I haven’t seen mine either. I did make a good attempt in January to visit family and friends, but illness kept us home. I did take a trip to Las Vegas with my college girlfriends. Overall, I haven’t done as well as I thought I would in this area, so it’s good that I’m checking in on my goals so I can make some changes for the second half of the year.
Create: I wanted to write more, but also find opportunities to create in music and art and photography, and make it a priority. Other than my guest spot on Foreword, I haven’t done much writing. I’m hoping that the summer with its less busy schedule will open up some avenues for me. I have designed two photo books that I love one for Niagara Falls and one for Las Vegas. I have dabbled in poetry with the help of Poetry Friday. I’ve been playing around with some artwork not ready for prime time, but very fun. Oh, and I did help produce a short film. So, my verdict here is not bad, though I’m going to push some writing focus during the summer Butt In Chair style.
Where are your goals taking you this year?
Great post, me! Thinking about my goals is getting me all excited to meet the challenge of the second half of the year. Thanks, me, for the inspiration.
I'll join you in a challenge, MR. I've definitely been writing and commenting, so that part is good. (I will say the reader has certainly helped my commenting, believe it or not.)
But, I do have a lot of work to do. A lot. Review notifications. None since January. Archiving reviews. Not for a year. That sort of thing :)
Hmm. I am just waiting for the 48 Book Challenge...
...the whole blogging/writing/reviewing thing is pretty new for me, so that I am active in a blog circle at all is a big step.
And ditto Kelly - I would totally not make blog rounds if it weren't for my Google Reader.
I read dozens of blogs regularly, but I rarely comment.
It's not one of my goals (yet), but will it help you out if I comment here? Kind of free you up to comment elsewhere?
I read you. I enjoy you. I often agree with you. And someday, I'm going to own a nifty piece of BACA gear.
Thanks for this post! It's made me realize that 2008 is almost half over (omg) and I need to do a check in on my own goals. No time this minute, but I'm going to do it this week. Thanks for the nudge.
my blogroll is so out of date I'm afraid to use that to go to blogs.
I really should comment more...
These are three goals that I can work on myself -- the comment part is a work in progress since I'm new to blogging, the connect part is going to be a challenge since I am TERRIBLE at staying in touch no matter how much I want to, the create part is exciting since I really do want to write more and never seem to find the time.
Are we really just about half-way through the year? That is amazing to me... time has gone by so quickly!
Great post, you!
Comments are generally down at my blog, too. But I sure do appreciate them when they turn up, so I appreciate you stopping by from time to time and leaving a note.
I love your mantra. I was too lame to get such a thing together this year. Still, I've been working on my own form of balance between writing and reading and doing other creative stuff, and doing housework.
Wow... we are so on the same wavelength here. I've been focusing on those very same things myself. You'd think that being a stay-at-home/looking-for-work mom right now would make it easier to find the time, but it really doesn't. I do try to get a little time in my studio every day though even if it's after the little one has gone to bed. I'm not unemployed; I'm a novelist! :)
Heh, commenting on your own blog is an idea I must nick. Genius! And no need to be shy about speaking up on my own, either...
I think we just won't talk about how my goal-achievement is going. I did reently comment for the first time ever on a blog where I've lurked for ages though - must have been spill-over of your inspiration.
My blogroll is very out of date - which is why I can still handle it. If I had to investigate all the new blogs, I don't know how I'd handle it.
Actually, everyone's blogreader talk got me to go take a look at Jacketflap again. Maybe a mix of approaches to reading - and commenting - will work better for time and energy expended.
Yay for "dabbling" in poetry! I always enjoy your unique take on Poetry Friday. And I love it whenever you find time to comment at my blog.
I wish you mucho Butt in Chair time this summer!
I've been thinking a lot about what goals I want to have for the summer. I think I might try to cut back on blogging so that I can enjoy writing with more empty time around it. Otherwise blogging might take over all my kid-free time when they are at camp. I feel the need to sit in the sun doing nothing for a while.
You've inspired me to go back and look at my goals for the year... as soon as push through these dawg gone report cards this week... I shouldn't be blogging right now! oy.
Yes, I appreciate your comments very much.
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