105 Ways to Give a Book

See, Now We’re Having Fun

I’m coming up on the six-month mark for my little-blog-that-could. I know, it feels like longer. Much, much longer. It’s exciting to have made a place for myself in the kids’ lit blogging world. I think leading off this 48 Hour Book Challenge is ultra cool, and I can’t believe the interest and support in it (update on that tomorrow, btw).

I like reading kids books and reviewing them; however, my own favorite posts are not reviews. They are just writing. Funny writing, I hope, but not really, so much, kid book reviews. Many of you fine folks weren’t with me at the start. Many of you have just tuned into the blog, in... let’s say, the past few days. So, quite likely you missed my blogging highlights.

Today is my birthday, and for my birthday, I am about to do something very indulgent. I am going to point you to my favorite posts that few of you ever saw. Plus a bonus connection to the Mo Willems posts that you probably did see, but they’re still among my favorites, so on the list they go. Take a trip down memory lane with me through the past six months.
Feel free to rave about the posts in the comments. In fact, I rather expect it. I am off to read to my daughter’s first-grade class, because I can’t imagine a better start to a birthday than reading to a bunch of appreciative kids. Which is at the same time both sweet and a little pathetic.
Category: 5 comments


Camille said...

So, what are you reading to them?

Anonymous said...

I've been waiting to leave a comment all day! Stupid Blogger! Thanks for the back posts. I liked April's the best. Happy Birthday!


Emy said...

Happy birthday!! :)

Bill said...

Finally, with Blogger back up, I can post my own birthday wishes!

Of course, I suppose I have a bit of an advantage in that I can (and did, just in case anyone was wondering) present them in person, but still, I figured the least I could do was say “Happy Birthday!” right here, and congratulations on your first six months in the blogosphere.

PJ Librarian said...

Reading to 1st graders has to be one of the best ways to spend a birthday. Everyone should be so lucky. Happy Birthday!