My time will run from 1:00 p.m. today until 1:00 p.m. on Sunday and will be fraught with interruptions, including the Girl Scout 95th Anniversary Sing-Along and my birthday dinner tonight. And assorted loads of laundry. And picking up the girls at school and taking them to the pool. And I’d better carve out ten minutes to pay my bills online. Oh, you get the picture. But I’ll be keeping track and making reading my priority. Except for those other things.
I’m starting out with a Mystery Book that I will reveal later. I began reading at 1:00 as I ate my peanut butter and honey sandwich my favorite and chocolate chip cookies. And a couple of Thin Mints, which can’t count towards the day’s calories because thin is right there in the name. Don’t judge me.
Happy Reading, everyone!
Calories consumed on your birthday DON'T COUNT!
Zee says reporting for blog duty. I have listed my start time on the blog. See y'all in the sphere.
Happy Happy Birthday!
(And happy reading.)
Bring on the marathon, do dah, do dah.
What a great excuse, "It's my birthday and I should be able to enjoy it by reading!" Happy Birthday.
I am not playing along, but I really want to--sometime. I only heard about it last year as the tallies were coming in.
I checked out your book stack, and you've got a couple of pretty heavy ones on there that don't look like speed reading.
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