MotherReader’s handy-dandy editor (FatherReader? Papa Book?) here. We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming for a brief technical note. You may have noticed something new up in your URL window yes, MotherReader (the blog, not the author) has now migrated to its new address, This transition has actually been in the works for some time now, but we were holding off until the 48 Hour Book Challenge was complete. The way we’ve configured it, all existing links should still be valid (for now, it’s still technically hosted at Blog*Spot), automatically redirecting to the appropriate sub-page under the new address. But going forward, we’ll want to make sure that any new links (and that naturally includes bookmarks lists and the like) are updated to reflect the new address.
So far, we haven’t seen any significant glitches (although Technorati’s going to be a while catching up with the new address), but if you notice anything funky, please let us know as soon as possible. We may not actually be able to do anything about it, but at least we can commiserate.
That’s all for now. Thanks for your attention (and, should anything go wrong, your patience).
I like Papa Book. It has a... jazzy, masculine, hip kind of ring. I picture saddle oxford golf shoes and polka-dotted bow ties...
OK, can I contact Papa Book, Mr. Bill and find out how he did that? I own and have a redirect for it but have not checked into how to make it the defaust URL.
Oddly enough -- I usually read the feed over at LiveJournal. If I clink the link for there, I end up at Feedburner page. But if I go to Blogger, it works fine. Not sure what's up with that.
I just updated the info for the Feedburner feed this afternoon (which is where we run the RSS feed, based on Blogger's atom feed), so that might still take a while to work itself out properly (but I'll look into the specifics). As for the migration to a custom domain name, the basics are available here. There's a lot of legwork you have to do with your registrar, but once that's done, the migration itself is pretty quick.
Eventually, we'll get the site up at an independent host, but this seems like a good interim step (so that longstanding links don't get broken).
Noted, thanks! This site has been such an inspiration--I'm MAKING time in my life to read things that aren't work or child related. THANK YOU!
Also, I tried the *Charlie & Lola* sound clip (yes, we're big fans) and couldn't get it to work... Is it still around?
Congrats on the move!
Some people are having problems viewing the verious formatting and background images for the site -- not sure where the problem is there, but I'm working on it.
I'll also check on the audio files; I'll have to check to see where they were hosted originally and make sure they're still there.
Both issues should now be fixed (kind of a workaround in the case of the missing template images, but it works). For the record, you can hear the Charlie & Lola recording here.
(Now if only I could go back and correct my atrocious misspelling of "various" in my last post. Sheesh, what kind of an editor am I?)
Your kids doing the Charlie & Lola bit are WONDERFUL! That's darling and they are dead-on for their voices. I'll have to let Husband listen to it this evening.
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