105 Ways to Give a Book

Bored Academics

Oh have I got the test for all you word nerds. I saw this at Journey Woman and couldn’t resist attempting it, even though I knew I wouldn’t do great and I’d probably get tired of it halfway through. I was correct on both counts. But for the many bored academics out there, this vocabulary test will be pure heaven.

I only scored 62% correct, and I was guessing more than a couple of times. Now Michele got a 95%, which shouldn’t be a big surprise from the writer of Scholar’s Blog. The whole scholar part being right there in the actual name of the blog. If you feel like being back in school for a bit, give the test a whirl. And just like school, you don’t have to share your score with anyone.
Category: 10 comments


Anonymous said...

64% - Kind of pathetic.

Anonymous said...

(Pathetic because I *finished* it, even scoring that low. Plus the whole part where I was an English major. And am now a writer.)

Anonymous said...

61%...I'm soooo dumb! haha!

Libby said...

OK, I did fine (89%), but there are some things wrong on it--adjectives defined as nouns, that sort of thing. Humph.

MotherReader said...

Libby, that bugged my husband too.

Anonymous said...

HUGE fun -- 77%. But I agree with what Libby said about the definitions.

tanita✿davis said...

YES - some of the definitions weren't exactly exact. I got an 89% but realize how many words I don't use. This is the type of thing that (Nerd alert! Nerd alert!) I could do over and over until I knew all the words easily again.

Man, once upon a time, I, too, was an English major... that writer thing sucks out the brain cells.

Anonymous said...

YAY - I love tests, thanks for sharing. I'll post my score and a link to you when I take it!

I tagged you for a MEME - here's the link if you want to play:

Anonymous said...

86%. And yes, some of the definitions definitely needed work.

Magpie said...

I loved that! Thanks. 78% BTW.