105 Ways to Give a Book

You’re Grounded!

I swear, I can’t leave you bloggers alone for a second! I go away for one long weekend, and you have a party in the kidlitosphere! And you invite authors! And you’re serving interview questions, for the love of Pete. What were you thinking!!!???

Now, I know Ray came up with this idea, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be held responsible for your own participation. I’ll tell you what, you stay in your blogspace and think about what you’ve done!
Category: 6 comments


Anonymous said...

While I'm thinking, I'll be typing up the code and html links for my next interviews -- Jordan Sonnenblick tomorrow, Sara Zarr on Thursday. Whee!

Melissa said...

I needed a good laugh. Thanks. :)

Anonymous said...

It's been quite a party, that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

Well, geez. I'm sorry. But what are those of us who AREN'T going to ALA to party with you supposed to do?

Little Willow said...

Hee hee.

tanita✿davis said...

(Insert flippant, bored teen voice) Uh, yeah. Kidlit Drink Night ring any bells, hmm? You're having a party. So, we invited over a few friends... no big, right? I mean, we'll clean up after...