105 Ways to Give a Book

Poetry Friday: Unwritten

I was sooo going to skip this Poetry Friday because I am still wiped out from the little logistics of the 48 Hour Book Challenge and wrapping up the school year and packing for my weekend trip to Virginia Beach — where, I might add, I am going to meet Kelly of Big A, little a in actual person.

Then I realized that not only did Susan of Chicken Spaghetti do a fantastic article in Poetry Foundation about the tradition of Poetry Friday, but she also listed me as a Poetry Friday regular. Well, gosh, I can’t skip now!

She is correct. I am a frequent participant, mainly because I love the things that bring the kid-lit bloggers together. To me, that sense of community is the most important part of my blogging. So I participate...

Even though I’m not a huge poetry fan.

Actually, that’s another reason for me to be a part of Poetry Friday, because it forces me to expand my horizons. And perhaps, my unique perspective will bring something else to the table. Like featuring the Haiku T-shirt — not once, but twice for Poetry Friday. Writing a fib, with props to Greg at Gotta Book. Reviewing a book done in verse. Well, I guess that one is pretty normal.

Though I had a book that I could have featured today, as I write this I want to do something different. Once before I gave you a song as poetry. Today I’d like to do that again, with one of my favorite newish songs. It’s possible that the words are a little trite, but it still moves me in the way it expresses all of the potential that girls have inside them.
Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find

Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions
Feel the rain on your skin

No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten
Complete lyrics of Natasha Bedingfield’s “Unwritten” (click to listen at iTunes) are here.

The Poetry Friday round-up is at The Simple and the Ordinary today — which brings to mind another reason I’m a P.F. regular. I get to learn about blogs that I might not have known about otherwise. Viva Poetry Friday!


Robin Brande said...

That song is great! I haven't heard it, but now I must. What a great anthem for girls--actually, for teens in general.

Ink Johnson said...

This is, quite honestly, my favorite song. Thanks for posting it!

Nancy said...

I love that song! And I love looking at lyrics as poetry. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

hey, MR. I like that song, too. Good one for Poetry Friday.

Kelly said...

Can't wait to meet you in RL, MR!!

Little Willow said...

I like the song, as I like most of her songs. She delivers catchy music and lyrics.

May I also recommend Jonatha Brooke, Lucy Woodward, Amy Studt, and Toby Lightman to you and to anyone reading my comment here that want to hear similarly powered music and lyrics by contemporary female singer-songwriters.

Mary Lee said...

LOVE that song! I especially like the part in it about taking risks. Perfect "strong girl" song...even if the strong girl is all grown up!