I woke up at 4:30 a.m., all charged up. I tried to go back to sleep, but gave up at 5:00 a.m. and decided to read Letters from Rapunzel (great book, btw) since I would be seeing the author at ALA. And what else was I going to do with myself at that ungodly hour of the morning?
Took the Metro into town by 9:00, and shared a seat with a nice YA librarian from Richmond. Together we figured out where to go for registration. It was very helpful to have someone else with me for this because the Washington Convention Center is huge, and I hate navigating around unfamiliar places. Even though it seemed as if there were lots of long lines to sign in, with my online registration I just had to walk up to a computer, type in my number, and my badge printed out. How simple. Everything was already off to an easy start.
The exhibit hall was immense. But I kept in mind my first goal of the day, and went directly (pretty much) to the Horn Book booth to meet Roger Sutton. He was there as promised, and I introduced myself. We talked a little bit, but he had someone else who came up to see him, so I excused myself. I would have loved more time to chat, but perhaps another time. Great to meet him in person in any case.
My goals for touring the exhibits were to see what books were coming out, introduce myself to some publishers to smooth the requesting books process, and get some books signed for me and for next year’s 48 Hour Book Challenge. I was able to get to the signings of Avi, Gregory MacGuire, Jack Prelutsky, Nancy Perl, Eric Kimmel, Laura Schlitz, and Jeff Kinney. The only one I really had to wait for was Jack Prelutsky, and he was very friendly and funny about signing the book “You’re a winner!” for the 48 HBC. Other notables were Avi, who was a little bit cranky about doing the same thing, and Jeff Kinney of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, who was very sweet and gracious. I may be biased though, in that at least he knew my blog. I bought his book for my daughter, but he’s committed to a donation for next year’s contest and I will remember that.

He escaped from my clutches, and I turned around and recognized after a few seconds Liz from Tea Cozy. As if that weren’t enough for my chance meeting quota, then I saw Rebecca Stead who I had so enjoyed meeting in NYC and Sara Holmes whose book I had read that morning without moving from the Harcourt booth. Since we were all going to Mitali’s party, I didn’t have to go in alone and got bonus time walking and talking with these cool folk.
Mitali’s book launch party was lots of fun with a reading, quizzes, and a bhanga lesson. I got to meet Mitali for the first time in real life, and she was just as nice and sweet as I’d guessed. Sheila from Wands and Worlds took my dare and came to the party, and even with her tight schedule, Betsy from Fuse#8 made it too! As everyone circulated, I met lots of fun bloggers and publishers and librarians. (Oh my!)
Afterward, about fourteen of us headed over to the KidLit Drink Night. There was some confusion about where to put us, but that was mostly my fault because I didn’t realize that as Julie from Reader’s Carousel (picture already up, so timely) went there first, she’d reserved a great table for us near the bar. I had a little more time though not nearly enough time to meet the bloggers from Biblio File, Zee Says, The YA YA YA’s (well, one ya at least), and 2nd Gen Librarian. Book lovers Genivieve and Kristin came into town just for the event, and we were joined by Blue Rose lady Alvina and Summer Blog tour interviewee Justina Headley. Oh, and Rebecca’s friend and fellow Class of 2K7er Karen Day. Oh and Sondra and Jenna from Kane/Miller and Mindy (oh no, is that right?) from Hachette that I loved talking to and not just because she knows Mo. Oh, and an author, Rhonda Roth, and an independent publisher, Sarah Doyle, stopped by too to chat and meet people.
I love parties, so I had a great time meeting everyone, and I am ninety percent sure that everyone else had fun too. I have to say that after being up since 4:30 a.m. (not my usual practice), eating very little (also not my usual practice), and talking to people all day (which revs me up), I was a little wired. And I’ll admit that. But it was an awesome end to an incredible day.
I have to send out a special thank you to Sheila, who not only came to the book launch and happy hour even though she was headed on a vacation the next day, but helped take care of business at Capitol City Brewing Company. She was great at dealing with the waiter, who was very confused by our using the fourteen seats at the table as some sort of KidLit musical chairs game. Some people had to leave early, some came later, some moved around, some ordered dinner, some didn’t. The poor waiter. She also took over my most dreaded chore settling the bill and making sure it worked out. Not only did it work out, we had more than enough. So if you are feeling like you overpaid, let me thank you for buying me a beer. (Love and smiles.)
We left about 8:00, and I took the Metro home. I had promised myself that I would not pick up lots of ARCs but I couldn’t resist. Hauling them around all day was enough of a chore, but walking to the Metro I was starting to feel the strain on my shoulders. But today it’s just YEAH, NEW BOOKS!
And I’m going to throw this in because it’s related to meeting bloggers in person. Last weekend I got to meet Kelly from Big A, little a after her conference in the Hampton Roads area. We met in Norfolk with the kids and I knew they were her kids as soon as we approached the meeting place because the oldest child was reading a book. We took a free, self-guided tour of the battleship Wisconsin, walked along the harborside, and had dinner. Kelly was just like I would have guessed, so engaging, friendly, and and interesting. We had great conversations, our kids all got along well, and we had a wonderful time. I can’t wait to see her again some day. Ah, one more picture. Why not?

Next week I start talking about books again I know, amazing starting with a Very Special Picture Book.
A very nice report, MotherReader. It sounds like a grand day. And I know that meeting Kelly & co. was grand, too.
Hey, you put a picture up!
It was so much fun meeting you and I can't wait to meet again. I do wish I could have tagged along to ALA, though :)
Thanks for the report! I've been thinking about all those bloggers at ALA, wishing I could teleport there.
Oh, yeah, I'm jealous. How awesome to gather that many bloggers/authors/librarians in one place. Glad you were able to show them such a good time, MR!
But where are the Bhangra lesson pics?
I hope for my sake that the Bhangra lesson pictures never emerge.
SO fun meeting you! And I'm glad the bill worked out in your favor. You deserved a beer (or two) for putting that together. I enjoyed meeting everyone.
And wow! I've heard of people staying up to finish a book, but no one's ever told me that they got up at 4:30 to read one. (at least not MINE) So thanks, and the next time you can't sleep, call me. I'll run a few manuscript pages over for ya! :)
Great report, great day, great pix.
Wish I'd been there to meet all of you!
Thank you so much for coming to my party and for hosting the kid lit drinks night ... what fun to meet so many of you face to face. And to watch you bhangra (a few photos on my blog).
For some of you (like you, Mother Reader), your blogger voice and your in-persona self seem quite congruent, but for others, the difference between their cyber voices and an at-first-meeting impression was startling. Will have to ruminate on the reason for this ...
You met a librarian from Richmond! I'm from Richmond! Did his name happen to be... Phillip??
Sounds like you had a blast! Hurrah! I'm glad that Mitali's release party went well, and YAY for meeting so many fantastic people. :)
I'm sure you have seen this, but I just saw it this weekend for the first time on YouTube!
I re-watched Doctor Who: "Rose" this weekend in preparation for a role . . . AND I GOT IT!!! Thank you, Billie Piper!
It was so much fun! And Mitali totally has the pictures, you can see me in all of them, but she only gets your arm, so no worries...
What a fun, fun time it sounds like you had. Wish I could've been there....
Sounds like you had such fun! I am glad you could do this. I tagged you with a meme, if you feel like playing.
How totally fun. I wish I was there. BTW, love the "I am a noun" shirt.
What a wonderful time you must have had! How sweet that you got to meet so many of the people you exactly wanted to meet. What a fun time. Thanks for your nicely-detailed report!
It was very nice meeting you and everyone else. Thanks for letting me, a new blogger, tag along!
What a buzz. Thanks for posting your adventures. My first ALA conference was a midwinter one in Washington D.C. as a library student. I'm not sure which are worse-- D.C. winters, or D.C. summers. I get itchy just thinking about the latter...
I, too, had a great time, and was happy to meet blogging celebs. I would like to see any more pictures people have besides the ones on Mitali's blog. Did anyone take more snapshots? I am going to work my way up to blogging sometime today about my ALA trip. It was full of interesting moments and miraculous meetings.
Told you I read your blog :) Nice work, and it was nice meeting you!
Okay, here's the video, and Pam, you were great.
Hey MO-RE,
I just wrote my latest ALA post and it includes info about the YA author breakfast. I think you wanted to hear about that. Check it out when you get a chance!
How do you just randomly run in to John Green and Cecil Castellucci? I'm jealous. Two years I've spent trying to figure out if I ever saw John Green, just once, in college, and I still have no idea.
Anyway, thanks for the report. It's so interesting to see what other people did at ALA. And a much bigger thanks for organizing the KidLit Drink Night. It was great!
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